Introducing Nona Nita
I have another grandma fresh off the grill and her name is Nona Nita.
Nita is a lovely grandmother of three, who put much thought and kindness into her responses to my Grilled Grandma questions. Here's one example:
What is one thing you wish you had learned earlier as a grandparent? I wish I had remembered earlier that the gift children like and appreciate most is the gift of undivided attention. I had learned this fact as a parent, but forgot about it over the years.
Please read Grilled Grandma: Nita and leave her a comment. Then show her extra special thoughtfulness by giving her blog a hit or two, as well (the link is at the bottom of her grilling).
Thank you for stopping by today! Happy Wednesday to one and all!
Today's (unrelated) question:
What is the oddest thing in your purse or wallet right now?