Grandma's Briefs

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Grilled Grandma: Marge

What is a Grilled Grandma? A Grilled Grandma is a grandma whom I've grilled with some grandma-related questions, and she's graciously responded with answers and photos. Here is Grilled Grandma Marge:

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How many children do you have? Two amazing daughters. Heather and Christiana Hope

How many grandchildren? What are their ages? Two beautiful grandchildren. Finnegan and AnnaSophia Grace. Both are 1 year.

Any great grandchildren? No great grandchildren

What do your grandchildren call you? Nana—wanted to be called that after my Nanny.  She was the best Nana in the world. Without a doubt the single best influence in my life!

After the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would soon be a grandmother? Hoping I would be a helpful not intrusive influence/helper to my girls as they took on the most important job as mommas.

How often do you get to see your grandchildren? I see Finnegan nearly everyday we live in the same town, down the road from each other. AnnaSophia I see as often as possible. She lives in a beautiful country home three hours away. :(

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What is the best thing about being a grandma? Being able to watch them discover and enjoy and laugh at the same things their mommas did.

What is the most challenging part of being a grandma? For me, the most challenging thing of being a Nana right now is not being able to see AnnaSophia every day. Miss her and don't want to miss the little things when I'm not with her.

Describe a recent time that one (or more) of your grandchildren made you laugh out loud. Big laughs when my husband Ken was playing peek-a-boo with AnnaSophia!

What is your favorite thing to do with grandchildren who visit your house? Go on walks; definitely watch Disney movies!!

What is your favorite thing to do when visiting grandchildren at their house? When Finn and I are hanging out at his house his very fave thing to do with his Nana is play ball with his big Star Wars Yoda Ball. When I am with AnnaSophia she loves to sit on the floor with her Nana and play "cooking,” playing with odd & ends pots, pans, spoons, etc.

How do you maintain the bond between yourself and your grandchildren between visits? Lots and lots of cards and letters! Nana care packages are quite common!

What do you most want to pass along to your grandchildren? The one thing I wish to pass on to my grandchildren is... My love of the Lord and the passion I have for life, making the most of it everyday.

What is one word you hope your grandkids think of when they think of you? Loving

What is one thing you wish you had learned earlier as a grandparent? Being a new Nana the only thing I wish I had known earlier is how much you'll love them and how much time you'll want to spend with them

What one bit of advice would you give a new grandma? Be prepared to be caught completely off guard by how much you'll love, love, love, being with them!!

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Do you have a website or blog? What is it about? Yes, I have a blog. It is all about my everyday adventures, like a diary of nanahood with my granchildren. My blog site is:

Dear Readers: If you'd like to nominate a grandma for grilling—yourself or any other grandma—please e-mail me her first name and e-mail address and I'll take care of the rest. Thank you!