While reading the introduction in this book I received for review, I came across a phrase I vaguely recalled hearing before, one that's apparently been expressed in a variety of ways by a variety of people.
When I did a quick Google search for the origin of the quote, the results listed hundreds of folks saying basically the same thing, everyone from Elvis to Rita Mae Brown, with plenty of others in between and beyond.
Ultimately, Maya Angelou best summed up the concept I had read in the review book, the phrase I had Googled, with this:
It has been said that we need just three things in life: something to do, something to look forward to and someone to love.
— Maya Angelou
In spite of such wise words imparted by Angelou and others, I often feel compelled to be continually searching for more, searching for purpose, searching for bits and pieces to further patch together a full and fulfilling life for myself.
Why do I do that? If those three things — something to do, something to look forward to, someone to love — do in fact make for a full life, my search could easily end here, as I already do have a very full life, indeed.
I have something to do...
Every day I have more on the agenda than hours in the day. I have much to do — and even more that, despite my best intentions, doesn't get done.
Some of the duties are self-imposed, others are simply the day in and day out requirements of being a woman, wife, mother, grandmother doing my best with the blessings (and, sometimes, burdens) bestowed upon me.
I surely am not wanting when it comes to things to do.
I have something to look forward to...
Something to look forward to? I have that and then some.
In the short term, my April calendar is jam-packed with things to do, events to attend, grandchildren I get to spend time with.
In the long term, I look forward to goals I'm determined to achieve, additional blessings I will receive — new sons-in-law, more grandchildren, the memories my husband and I have yet to make with one another as well as with our growing family before our time is through.
I surely am not wanting when it comes to things to look forward to.
I have someone to love...
No, I have not just one someone to love, I am fortunate to have dozens upon dozens of someones to love.
At the top of the list is, of course, my immediate family — my husband, daughters, son-in-law, grandsons. The list also includes my family of origin, my husband's family of origin, plus my friends I now consider family, many of whom I'm closer to than I am much of my birth family, many of whom are my friends reading this right now.
I surely am not wanting for people to love.
When I stop and consider it, my cup surely does runneth over. I am not wanting for anything.
Except, perhaps, for the wisdom to find peace and contentment in that, rather than continually feeling the need to search for more.
photo: stock.xchng
This post linked to Grandparents Say It Saturday.
Today's question:
How close to 'full' is your cup?