Timberrr! Grandma's tree comes tumbling down

Jim and I — along with the many mourning doves that live in our yard — are mourning the loss of our Black Walnut tree. 

black walnut tree

Black Walnut trees supposedly don't grow well in Colorado. This one, though, lasted for more than 30 years. Or so says the neighbor upon which our beloved tree fell when...

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Middle child of my middle child

 The Middle Child
Even though you're not the oldest,
or the youngest, you see,
Being in the middle is a really neat place to be!
The middle of a sandwich
is the most important part,
And in the middle of your body,
you will find your heart.
The engine in the middle
is what runs a good machine;
And our family wouldn't be the same
without you in between.

middle child

I know labeling children isn't an appropriate thing for grandmothers...

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Don't freefall backward down the slide, plus other tips learned in a bounce house

Because my grandsons have an in-ground trampoline at their house, you wouldn't think they'd get much fun out of the Bounce-A-Round I reviewed a while back — which Bubby and Mac had not yet seen. During their visit a couple weeks ago, though, once Patrick brought his son over and the inflatable bouncing thingamajig was inflated, Bubby, Bud and Mac had a boisterous bouncing blast.

bounce a round

A couple days later, the bouncing blast was supersized when PawDad...

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Saturday movie review: 'Disconnect'

My viewing of the film DISCONNECT — which features an ensemble cast headed up by Jason Bateman, Hope Davis, Frank Grillo, Paula Patton and Alexander Skarsgard — began with an "uh oh" spoken aloud and ended with an internal "uh oh" I've carried with me since watching the movie more than a week ago.

My first came within the first scene or two, when a video...

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