Springtime fun: Bird nest cookies

The forecast at my place calls for snow tomorrow — despite being in the 70s today. Such is springtime in the Rockies.

Despite the snow, it is indeed spring, which is the perfect time for making Bird Nest Cookies. They're simple to make, and kids get a kick out of eating the eggs (M&Ms) out of the nest of sticks (chow mein noodles). There are several versions of such cookies on Pinterest, but I couldn't find any just like these that I've made for years and years.

I knew around Easter time I'd later make these with my grandsons, so I picked up pastel-colored M&Ms when the holiday ones were on sale. There's no rule saying the bird eggs in imaginary nests can't be primary colors, though, so use whatever color —and flavor — of M&Ms you desire.

bird nest cookies

What you need:

• 12-ounce package chow mein noodles

• 12 ounces vanilla candy coating, broken into the pre-cut squares

• 12-ounce package M&Ms (you likely won't use entire package, but that allows for nibbling)

What you do:

Line decorating space with wax paper. Provide each child a dish of eggs (M&Ms) for decorating.

In large bowl, empty bag of chow mein noodles. In small bowl, microwave the squares of candy coating 30 seconds at a time, stirring in between and until smooth. Do not overcook! It takes only about a total of one minute or two, depending on the wattage of your microwave.

When coating is melted, pour over noodles, then stir to even coat the noodles. Using a spoon, plop little piles of "nests" onto the wax paper, flattening slightly for a spot for the eggs. You can spend a lot of time perfecting the nests, or you can just let the kids have at it. I prefer the "have at it" method.

decorating cookies

The have at it part: Have the little ones quickly lay several eggs in each nest (har-har), pressing ever so slightly into the nest so they stick to the candy coating when it hardens.

decorating cookies
decorating cookies
bird nest cookies

Allow nests to cool completely until candy coating has hardened.

bird nest cookies
choosing a cookie
eating bird nest cookie

Makes about 30 nests, depending on size of each nest.

springtime cookies

Today's question:

What is your favorite springtime food?

Texting, driving, and the GRAND Social

Now it's personal...

During the Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities I recently attended, there were several sessions on distracted driving, with heavy focus on texting while driving — not only by teens but by adults, too. While I've shared stats and such since the conference, it has now become personal.

On Saturday, my stepmother was rear-ended by a gal who was texting while driving and because she was distracted, failed to slow down at a traffic light. She slammed into my stopped (as she should be) stepmom so hard it pushed the vehicle into the intersection. Fortunately, my stepmom was not hit by other vehicles in the intersection, but she sustained whiplash, a concussion, and closed-head injuries from which she may never fully recover.

As I mentioned before, there's a 23 times greater crash risk when texting while driving, yet 49 percent of adults text while driving. Even when we know it's wrong and dangerous. Many of us claim, "Oh, I'm a good driver and an excellent multitasker, so it's okay." It's not okay, no matter what, no matter how careful.

If you or someone you love texts while driving — and I admit, I used to at stoplights — please take the following videos to heart, please share them with friends and family.

And another, geared toward teens:

I appreciate you reading my justified rant.

Now for something a little less heavy: the GRAND Social. Thank you for joining me!

link party

How it works:

  • All grandparent bloggers are invited to add a link. You don't have to blog specifically about grandparenting, but you must be a grandparent who blogs.
  • To link up, copy the direct URL to the specific post — new or old — that you want to share, not the link to your blog's home page. Then click the blue "Click here to enter" text below and follow the directions to add your post and graphic to the list.
  • You can add up to three posts, but no duplicates, please, and none you have promoted on a previous GRAND Social linky. And no contests, giveaways, or Etsy sites, please.
  • Adding a mention at the bottom of your linked posts, such as This post has been linked to the GRAND Social linky, is appreciated. Or, you can post the GRAND Social button anywhere on your page using the following code:


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  • The GRAND Social linky is open for new posts through Wednesday evening, so please come back to see those added after your first visit.
  • If you're not a blogger, you have the pleasure of being a reader. Bloggers who link up would be honored to have one and all — bloggers and readers — visit, read and, if so moved, comment, even if just a "Hey, stopping by from the GRAND Social."

Thank you for participating in the GRAND Social!

What I learned this week: How to eat angry birds

One of my favorite lessons this past week was unwittingly provided by Mac, on how to eat angry birds... of the graham cracker variety (hold your cursor over each photo for instruction):

angry bird crackers

angry bird crackers

angry bird crackers

angry bird graham crackers

angry bird graham crackers

angry bird crackers

angry bird graham crackers

Not really a lesson I needed to learn, but a valuable one just the same.

Today's question:

What did you learn this week?

Kids and cars: Safety reminders for grandmothers and others

child sleeping in car

I left for the desert to care for my grandsons just one day after returning home from the Lifesavers Conference, the forum where I learned the sobering stats on auto safety I shared last week.

Because of the timing, those scary stats and many more have been at the forefront of my mind since reporting for duty as sole caretaker of Bubby and Mac for the week. So when I leave the house with the kids in the car, I'm uber conscientious about ensuring they're correctly buckled into their seats. As I drive around with the most precious of cargo in the back seat, I pay extra close attention to other vehicles headed my way.

boy in bicycle helmetPlus, when walking to the park — Bubby riding his bike slightly ahead of me as I push the stroller with Mac inside — Bubby always wears his helmet and walks, not rides, his bike when crossing the street (with Gramma!). On such walks, I regularly and sternly warn Bubby to always listen and watch for vehicles that may be getting ready to back out of driveways he's approaching, which is immensely important, considering that every week in the U.S., according to KidsAndCars.org, at least 50 children are backed over in driveways and parking lots.

As a long-distance grandma, I don't often have to think about such things in relation to my grandsons, so attending the Lifesavers Conference just before visiting them served as an important refresher course for me. I was thankful for the reminders — and the new concerns, too, regardless of how scary.

I thought you, the grandmothers and others who care for kids, might appreciate them, as well. Below are what I consider some of the best safety tips related to younger kids and cars that I gleaned from the organizations at Lifesavers 2013 — tips I'd either forgotten or hadn't considered before. (Tons more safety info can be found on the individual websites mentioned.)

From Buckle Up for Life

From SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A.

The five-step test for determining if a child no longer needs a booster seat (though, you should always adhere to state laws regarding booster seats, regardless of this test):

  1. Does the child sit all the way back against the auto seat?
  2. Do the child's knees bend comfortably at the edge of the auto seat?
  3. Does the belt cross the shoulder between the neck and arm?
  4. Is the lap belt as low as possible, touching the thighs?
  5. Can the child stay seated like this for the whole trip?

From KidsAndCars.org

  • Teach children that even parked vehicles might move. Let them know that even though they can see the vehicle, the driver might not see them.
  • Get in the habit of always walking all the way around your vehicle prior to moving it, to ensure no kids are nearby.
  • Teach children to never play in, around or behind any vehicle.
  • Trim the landscaping around your driveway to ensure you can see children.
  • Set the emergency brake every time you park.
  • Store keys out of children's reach.
  • Lock the power windows so children cannot get caught in them. Power windows can strangle a child or cut off a finger.
  • To be sure your child is never forgotten in your vehicle, put your cell phone, handbag or briefcase on the floor board in the back seat.
  • Text 'kidsandcars' to 46986 for the latest safety info.

What about older kids? Those with teens in the family will find a wealth of information — for teens, parents (and grandparents) and educators — on the Toyota Teen Driver website [editor's note: site no longer online].

Disclosure: Though I attended the Lifesavers Conference courtesy of Toyota, I was not obligated to write this post nor did I receive compensation for it.

Today's question:

When did you last drive with a child in your vehicle?