My will-do list: 14 for 2014

I mentioned yesterday that I'm not big on resolutions, that I didn't think I was big on resolutions. I am, though, big on compiling lists of things I want to do in the coming year. It's not a bucket list, it's what I call a will-do list.

Here's what I have so far...

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Resolutions? Plus GRAND Social No. 85 link party for grandparents

It's the last Monday of 2013. Hooray!

link party

I always tell myself — and others — that I'm not much for making New Year's resolutions. That's a lie, though, I recently realized. I do find myself on the brink of each new year going over in my head and heart the changes I want to make for the bright and shiny months ahead. The last week or so, I've mulled over more than a few changes I hope to put in place, new directions I plan to take.

If you're like me and are considering ways to...

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Saturday movie review: 'Nebraska'

Charming NEBRASKA sneaks up on you then firmly lodges itself in your heart. Not Nebraska the state, but NEBRASKA the low-key, low-color — no color, in fact — film currently garnering kudos from critics across the country.

I had the opportunity to screen NEBRASKA at the Life@50+ Conference in October as part of the Movies For Grownups film series from AARP. I wasn't quite sure...

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Holiday highlights... in passages and pics

It was quite indescribable. It was like what happens when you shake a kaleidoscope. The parts of it are the same parts, but they are arranged differently; they are arranged in a new pattern...
~Agatha Christie "The Water Bus"

family at Christmas 

They err who thinks Santa Claus comes down through the chimney; he really enters...

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