Last week I knocked out a few holiday chores. So, yes, the stockings are now hung. And I have the wreaths up, the garland on the banisters and railings and porch, the tree done, the village up and running, the nativity scene arranged, and the box for Megan, Preston and Brayden dropped off at UPS for Tuesday delivery.
With all that I've accomplished, I'd like to think I'm pretty close to being ready for Christmas. But I'm not. I still have much to do this coming week, including:
1. Bake 14 dozen cookies for Saturday's annual family cookie swap.
2. Buy one more gift for Jim.
3. Buy one more gift for Andrea.
4. Buy two more gifts for Brianna.
5. Make the food gifts I'm giving friends and family.
6. Buy the gifts for Abby, Isabel, Mickey and Lyla ... aka "the animals."
7. Wrap all the gifts. (We still have zero gifts under the tree.)
8. Do the Christmas cards.
9. Watch Love, Actually, Joyeux Noel, While You Were Sleeping, and White Christmas in its entirety (I've only caught snippets on AMC). Without these, it surely doesn't feel like Christmas.
And how many of those things do you really think I'll be able to check off my list this week? Considering the procrastinator I am, I'm pretty sure I'll only get through No. 1 (thanks to the drop-dead deadline of Saturday), accomplish bits and pieces of Nos. 5 and 7, and possibly knock out one of the four flicks in No. 9.
Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8? Well, let's be honest here: Why do today this week what can be put off til tomorrow next week?
Photo credit: stock.xchng
Holiday question of the day?
How much of your holiday to-do list do you have left to do?