Sick old man

Sick old man

Sick old man

My old man Mickey has been quite sick since Friday morning. To say he feels under the weather is an egregious understatement.

After a long day of no appetite and atrocious symptoms Friday, I called the vet late that afternoon and secured an early Saturday appointment. Blood work, x-rays and a bloody (literally) exam confirmed pancreatitis.

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Those I like!

Those I like!

Those I like!

At the start of a new year, I — perhaps we — spend a lot of time and energy considering and planning ways to improve ourselves. This week I’m going to do the opposite: I’m going to remind myself it’s okay to not stress out about doing more, being more; that spending time with those who matter is what matters most.

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Weekly pic: Morning Joe

Weekly pic: Morning Joe

I’ve been spending several hours with Benjamin on Wednesdays to give Brianna a bit of a break from her boy and me a bit of playtime with him. When Brianna dropped him off at my house last week, she brought him in his pajamas so I could see his adorable Christmas jammies, robe and all.

I naturally took several photos of the …

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