Saturday movie review: 'Finding Vivian Maier'

I enjoy photography and consider myself a hobbyist photographer. Yet you needn't be a photographer of any degree to appreciate street photographer Vivian Maier's work or FINDING VIVIAN MAIER, the documentary on Maier's mysterious and fascinating story.

 Finding Vivian Maier poster

I hesitate to share many...

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My Pinterest: Hands, thumbs, feet

I kind of go through phases with Pinterest. When I spend too much time on there, everything starts to look the same. The recipes. The crafts. The quotes.

hands, thumbs, feet Pinterest board

I recently returned to perusing the pins, though, after having taken a break of sorts. Not a conscious, intentional fast of any sort. I just have had...

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Forgotten photos: Splash!

I recently purchased an external hard drive on which I can house a big chunk of my photos. I take so many pictures — and have a horrendous time hitting the delete button, even if I have 26 of the same shot — that I came perilously close to crashing my laptop under the weight of the mega megabyte-sized pictures I've been hoarding.

 swimming pool jump

As I went through the pictures folder...

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Ice bucket fatigue no more

ice cubes

I feel like a jerk admitting this, but I tired rather quickly of seeing video after video of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I know it's a fabulous way to raise awareness of — and funds for — the horrific disease. I know that. Truly, I get that. But each time I saw yet another...

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