Stag party at Grandma's

Stag party at Grandma's

Most evenings, just before dusk, our deer neighbors make a pre-dinner visit just across the street from our house. Deer as in doe a deer, female deer, that nibble and nosh on the grainy goodies our human next-door neighbor—right or wrong—puts out for the local wild ones.

Sometimes it’s two or three does, sometimes more, sometimes their little ones, too. Occasionally a buck butts his way into the fray, but it’s typically all gals as the guys seem to favor a supper spot farther up the street.

One snowy afternoon last week, though, it was the big boys who stopped by.

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'I'm your caption, I'm your caption!' Plus, GRAND Social No. 341 link party for grandparents

'I'm your caption, I'm your caption!' Plus, GRAND Social No. 341 link party for grandparents

‘I’m your caption, I’m your caption!’

In last week’s GRAND Social, I asked for caption suggestions for a funny photo of my sweet Benjamin. I also posted the pic to social media and asked for captions from folks there.

I gotta tell ya, I sure got some smile-worthy suggestions! Some silly, and some sweet.

Here—as I promised last week and with apologies to Grand Funk Railroad for the blog headline above (yeah, yeah, yeah)—are two of my favorite captions. One appeals to the Denver Broncos fan in me, the other the wishful-thinking grandma in me.

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Benjamin reviews the Infantino 2-in-1 Bouncer & Activity Seat

benjamin infantino activity seat.jpg

Having a baby in the house means having lots of stuff. Not just stuff like bottles and diapers but big stuff, too. I’m talking bassinets and bouncers and baby seats of all sorts, gear befitting kiddos from infant to beyond.

Whether you’re a parent or a grandparent, if you’ve got a baby, you’ve got too much baby stuff.

Thankfully Infantino has come up with a remedy for at least a portion of baby equipment overload. Introducing the all-new—as in, launched just last month—Infantino 2-in-1 Bouncer & Activity Seat, available exclusively at Target.

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Throwback Thursday: Watching the clock

Throwback Thursday: Watching the clock

Dear readers: This #TBT feature originally appeared on Grandma's Briefs February 4, 2014,—back when Brayden was known here as Bubby, Camden was called Mac, and Declan was not yet born (nor was Benjamin). Thank you for reading my rerun.

I admit it: I'm a compulsive clock-watcher.

As a freelance writer working from home, I don't watch the clock in the sense that I eye the hour hand as it makes its egregiously slow move from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. so I can exit my cubicle and enter my real world. No, though I've served my time in such positions, my current compulsive clock watching is of a less regular — albeit still compulsive — sort.

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Love and lore

Love and lore

Love and lore

It’s impossible to escape the fact—touted by retailers since before Christmas decor was fully clearanced off their shelves—that this Thursday is Valentine’s Day.

But… do you know the facts about that day o’ love most folks have strong love-it-or-hate-it feelings about?

I have a feeling maybe not. I certainly didn’t (til searching for something to start of this week’s link party).

So in the interest general edification…

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