Our final grandchild!

Our final grandchild!

He’s here! He’s here!

Our final grandchild has arrived!

Introducing Robert Allen, son of our oldest daughter Brianna and her husband Patrick, baby brother to Benjamin and James.

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Stand Up to Bullying, Grandma Style

Stand Up to Bullying, Grandma Style

A guest post for International Stand Up to Bullying Day, by Neve Spicer of WeTheParents.org.

Grandmas are great teachers. They have the experience and the time to help in raising good kids. When it comes to potential bullying behavior, you want them to think about what they have done and eventually realize it makes them the bad guy, not the hero.

Today, November 20, is International Stand Up to Bullying Day. Make the day meaningful in your grandkid’s lives.

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Brayden, T1D, and a warning for grandmas

Brayden, T1D, and a warning for grandmas

It’s taken me more than a month to figure out how to share this news. It’s serious and breaks my heart, yet I don’t want to come across as despaired. I hope to warn others but wish to not seem alarmist. And I want to share the challenge confronting my oldest grandson and his parents every single day forever going forward without suggesting I have any doubt they’re up to it.

My daughter, Megan, is so up to it, in fact, that she provided me the perfect tool by which I can share the news without racking my brain for the right words, right sentiment. That tool being the video below.

See, my grandson Brayden, the active and healthy 12 year old who first made me a grandma, who …

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How to be the best babysitting grandparent ever

How to be the best babysitting grandparent ever

Kids just want to have fun, especially when spending time with a babysitter. Parents primarily want their kids to be safe. And therein lies the challenge for grandparents who have secured the babysitting gig: finding the perfect balance between delighting grandchildren while pleasing their parents.

Master the challenge—and be the best babysitter ever—by considering the following tips.

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