For the grandma in me

Everyone knows grandmas have multiple personalities. Not in a "Sybil" sort of way, just in that we have many facets, many interests, many hats that we wear that make us the grand women that we are. Right?

 grandma apron

Well, those varied parts that make up the "Grandma" package mean that loved ones bestowing gifts upon us must take into consideration which personality they hope to...

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Holiday highlights, plus GRAND Social No. 137 link party for grandparents

Holiday highlights

As some of you know, I was a little concerned about how my Christmas holiday might play out. Why I worried at all, I don't know. Considering I have pretty much the best daughters — and a pretty darn awesome husband, too — I should have known everything would turn out exactly as it should. For me, it turned out nearly perfect. The only way it could have been better would have been for my grandsons and their parents to have been here, too.

Here are some highlights of the holiday time with some of my favorite people — and pets — in the world:

christmas 2014 collage

For two full days, my nest was...

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Saturday movie review: 'The Grand Seduction'

The title makes you wonder, doesn't it? Well, have no fear: I'm not delving into racy and raunchy films for review, I promise. Nope. In fact, THE GRAND SEDUCTION is likely one of the least racy films you'll ever see — and likely one of the most fun, too.

 The Grand Seduction

THE GRAND SEDUCTION, a remake of the 2003 Quebec film SEDUCING DR. LEWIS, takes place in rural Newfoundland in a fishing village in economic dire straits. In order to get...

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