T minus eight to grandson kisses

The last time I got hugs and kisses from Bubby and Mac was last October.

The kisses part of the package looked a little like this:

Funny how quickly a photo shoot can morph into a kiss fest.

I loved it!

And look forward to it again.

In eight days!

Today's question:

What do you look forward to in the next seven days?

Denver Broncos fans, 1990

Throwback Thursday
I've shared this photo several times in the past. Yet never before has there been a more perfect pic for Throwback Thursday, considering the mighty Denver Broncos head to the Super Bowl this Sunday.

little girl Broncos fans 1990

Now that they're all grown up and moved out, the three sisters will root, root, root for their home team miles and miles apart from one another.

Despite those miles, though, we're all together on this:


Today's question:

What are your plans for Super Bowl Sunday?

The view from here

deer grazing 

When Jim and I bought our current house — after more than 20 years in a house that afforded us a daily view of Pikes Peak... in the winter when there weren't leaves on the trees to obstruct our view — we lamented the loss of any fantastic views. With this house, we had opted for a magnificent interior over majestic mountain views.

That said, I do regularly wax unapologetically about wanting to raze the house next door. It was built many years after our house, and it completely...

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28 Valentine's Day jokes for kids

With just a little more than two weeks before Valentine's Day, I'd say it's time to memorize some corny Valentine's Day jokes to share with the grandkids. Or the big kids. Or to chuckle over all on your own.

Valentine's Day jokes for kids

Let the giggling — and groaning — begin...

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Another baby announcement, plus GRAND Social No. 89 link party

link party

Like many grandmas, I love baby announcements. Not just those announcing a new grandbaby headed my way (though I did share that last week), but those that thrill other grandparents-to-be. And those announcements, too, that are just plain unique and creative. Such as this one:...
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