Grandma's birthday bike and GRAND Social No. 111 link party

Grandma's birthday bike

As one of seven children, it's not too hard to understand why I never received a bike as a birthday gift as a kid. Last Friday, though, was my (ahem) 50th birthday, and I finally — unexpectedly! — experienced the all-out joy of a such a gift.

new bicycle for grandma 

What a thrill! The...

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Grandma kicks the can: Old-time games to teach grandchildren

Grandma kicks the can: Old-time games to teach grandchildren

Remember the long summer days spent outdoors as a child? Riding bikes, exploring the neighborhood, bonding with buddies and doing a whole bunch of nothing — which meant everything at the time? And playing games… Oh, the games!

kids playing outside statue

Today’s kids — meaning our grandkids — likely have...

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