What's been missing! Plus, GRAND Social No. 197 link party for grandparents

What's been missing!

Grandma's Briefs is all about the lifestyle of a grandma. Though I've recenty shared things part and parcel of this grandma's lifestyle, such as travel pieces and movie reviews, I've been remiss in sharing what makes this grandma, well, a grandma.

Meaning, my grandsons, who've been missing from Grandma's Briefs lately as other things have been all consuming.

So today I remedy that — right here, right now — with two videos of the munchkins.

First, the early morning greeting Bubby and Mac sent to Jim (aka PawDad) on his birthday last Wednesday:

Next, a video of Jak displaying his newfound skill of...

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10 life lessons grandchildren help us remember

10 life lessons grandchildren help us remember

With all that we do for our grandchildren, they do for us so very much more. Things such as reminding us of important lessons we've learned yet often forget to put into practice. Things such as these.

grandchildren quotes 


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Of this I can't resist: Pre-Thanksgiving Christmas cheer

I typically steer clear of anything smacking of Christmas cheer before Thanksgiving. I do my best to avoid holiday displays in the stores until after the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers have filled my fridge. I ignore collecting recipes for Christmas treats and eats before I've enjoyed my Thanksgiving cranberries and pumpkin pie. And Christmas tunes of any sort are absolutely forbidden on my stereo, car radio, iPod and any other musical device until Thanksgiving evening, at the earliest.

Yes, I do my best to resist anything that upsets the order of my holidays.

My resistance to pre-Thanksgiving Christmas cheer dissolved immediately, though, when...

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Middle child of my middle child

 The Middle Child
Even though you're not the oldest,
or the youngest, you see,
Being in the middle is a really neat place to be!
The middle of a sandwich
is the most important part,
And in the middle of your body,
you will find your heart.
The engine in the middle
is what runs a good machine;
And our family wouldn't be the same
without you in between.

middle child

I know labeling children isn't an appropriate thing for grandmothers...

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Care for yourself: 16 ways grandparents should follow their own advice

Care for yourself: 16 ways grandparents should follow their own advice

We grandparents regularly show love and encouragement to our grandchildren. Yet how often do we turn that steady flow of love and encouragement on ourselves? If you're like me, not often.

Time for that to change.

Following are sixteen ways to nurture and care for yourself in ways you likely encourage your grandchildren to care for and about their selves.

boy walking dog

(15 more follow...)
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9 temptations this grandma can't resist

9 temptations this grandma can't resist

As my oldest daughter and I embark on another round of supporting one another in efforts to get into shape, the idea of irresistible temptations have been on my mind.

Thankfully I don't lose my willpower when it comes to chocolate. No, it's carbs that do me in. Love me some pasta... and potatoes. I'm working hard to resist them now.

brother on a slideHow could I possibly not moan about missing these cuties?

I've lately considered other temptations that get the best of me. Here are nine — with the top...

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