Here and now: It's been a while ...
/My life, here and now …
On my mind:
Gratitude for my second shot of Moderna. Jim and I are both now fully vaccinated. Yay!
Current concern:
My columbine flowers recently sprouted magnificently so. One of my flowering trees has budded equally well. The concern? Colorado springtime snow and sub-freezing temps have struck again. Four days worth of snow and cold! The columbines are currently covered with snow, the tree buds covered with ice. My fingers are crossed they’ll survive and thrive once they thaw come next week’s warmer weather.
My first columbine ever, last year.
I’m about three pages into All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr—I know … I’m quite late to this particular party—so can’t say too much about it yet.
I did, though, recently finish The Orphan Collector : A Heroic Novel of Survival During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic by Ellen Marie Wiseman. It had been on my To Read list for a while and figured I should complete it before the current pandemic comes to a close (that’s positive thinking there). The story was quite engaging and not as depressing as you might think—though the parallels with our time of Covid and the lessons we should have learned but didn’t were distressing. I enjoyed the author’s writing style and several of her characters have stuck with me. Definitely worth adding to your own To Read list.
Too much news, to be honest. I really need to cut out a news program or two (or three) as it just hurts my heart or frustrates the hell out of me. Whom to cut, though? Lester? Rachel? Brian?
Working on:
Hmmm … A low level of Covid blahs and blues hang on, making it difficult to be productive when it comes to much of anything. That’s my excuse, anyway.
Listening to:
Right now? Callie whining because she thinks she wants to go on a walk. Each time I open the door to convince her the 27 degree “feels like” temperature is not walking weather, she agrees. For a moment … then goes back to whining.
Looking forward to:
A Rockies game on Sunday! Our realtor who finagled our downsizing nearly three years ago offered us a pair of tix to the game. Sunday’s weather is supposed to be nice, Covid limits on crowd size and requirements for masks are in place at Coors Field, so Jim and I are game for getting out to the largest event we’ve attended in well over a year. Go Rockies!
On grandkids:
I’ve known Robert all his life … and I only Thursday realized the child’s eyes are two (slightly) different colors! Sure, the “all his life” part is only nearly five months and much of those months have been spent sleeping. Still, how did Gramma miss that?
The last photo I took on my phone:
This shot of my deck, in response to Brianna texting me Thursday night to ask how much snow we had at our place so far:
My question for you:
What's going on in your life, here and now?