Telling it like it is: This week's Grilled Grandma

This week's Grilled Grandma, Ellen, is straightforward, matter of fact, and to the point. And I love that, admire that. Mostly because I'm so not that way. I tend to take three times the verbiage necessary to get to the point of something, hemming and hawing all the way through.

So today I'm going to follow Ellen's lead and get right to the point. That point? Go check out Grilled Grandma: Ellen! It's worth it. Her words are worth it. Her photos are worth it. She's worth it. And a visit to her blog is worth it, too.

(How'd I do? Straightforward enough?)

Today is Dec. 1 and for the month of December I'll be posting holiday-themed daily questions. Some of the questions will come from holiday books or games I have, some of the questions will be made up. To kick things off, here is today's:

Holiday question of the day:

If you could magically return to Christmastime at any previous age, what age would you return to and why?