The next Grilled Grandma
/This week's Grilled Grandma shares the name of the grandma I grilled just two weeks ago: Cherylann (although the first one went by Cheryl Ann).
I thought it was kind of interesting that I came to know two grandmas with that name in such a short period of time -- especially considering that I'd never before met anyone named Cheryl Ann ... or Cherylann ... before.
Incidentally, I recently read a post on Susan's Grandparents Blog (Susan being the Guide to Grandparents and a regular Grandma's Briefs reader) about a feature on the Social Security Administration's website that allows curious minds to research Popular Baby Names. So, being of a curious mind and all, I typed the name Cheryl into the nifty search engine and found that it was among the top 20 baby names from 1955 to 1961 -- prime years for today's crop of grandmas!
I'm honored two of those Cheryls have graced the Grilled Grandmas page and am happy to introduce you to the latest. You can meet this week's Cherylann right HERE.
If your name is Cheryl and you'd like to be featured as a Grilled Grandma -- or if you have a name of a different sort and want to be a Grilled Grandma -- be sure to contact me with your first name (Cheryl or not) and your e-mail address and I'll add you to the schedule of upcoming grillings.
Today's question:
How do you feel about your name?
My answer: I've always liked my name, especially because the E on the end of my middle name (Anne) made me just a little bit different -- even though I've always been one among many Lisas in the room, as a child and as an adult. That covers my first and middle name. My maiden name, I was happy to be rid of because no one could ever pronounce it correctly and it led to me being nicknamed "Aquawoman" in elementary school. (Dummy classmates had no idea I couldn't swim, which made the nickname all the more moronic.)