Off to Grandma's
/In a final fling with Southwest Airlines, I have a four-legged trip on the docket: fly to the desert; fly home with Bubby so he can spend a few days with Gramma and PawDad; fly Bubby back to the desert; then fly home alone.
The first leg went off without a hitch, with me arriving in the desert early last Thursday. After a few days of fun in the sun, er, a few days of playing in the house with Bubby because the oppressive heat prevented any living thing from being outside longer than 42 seconds at a time, Bubby and I left for the mountains yesterday morning. It was his first plane ride with Grandma -- and without Mom or Dad.
Because I didn't know how long it would take for this Grandma to get through the airport with a little boy holding one hand and a car seat in the other -- Bubby is now two and gets his own seat on the plane, thus needs to bring along his own car seat for maximum protection in the air -- we arrived with plenty of time to kill.
Which meant there was a lot of waiting.
And waiting.
And waiting.
And still more waiting.
Then finally ... we got to get on the plane ...
... and head for the mountains.
Nothing but clear skies, happy talk from Bubby, and -- most thankfully -- no poopy diapers mid-flight.
Once we landed, there was nothing but grins all around when we met up with PawDad and his surprise companions welcoming Bubby to the mountains: Auntie Andie ...
... and Aunt B!
Now the real fun begins!
Today's question:
What's one summer-like thing you've not yet done or accomplished this summer that you are determined to do before fall arrives?