For want of a round tuit
/Decades upon decades ago, I came across a cardboard cutout in my mom's issue of Woman's Day or Family Circle, the only two magazines she regularly treated herself to. The cutout was of a "Round Tuit"—a circle with the words ROUND TUIT written on it, for presenting to procrastinators who say such things as "I'll do X when I get around to it."
Why that goofy feature stuck in my mind for many years after, I'll never know. But not long ago I found another Round Tuit in an antique shop and was happy to offer it as a prize in my then-weekly haiku contest here on Grandma's Briefs. The tchotchke looked like this:
I now wish I had kept that Round Tuit rather than give it away, as it sure would have come in handy for all the things that we didn't get around to doing while Megan and the boys were here last week.
A Round Tuit would have been useful for:
• Carving the warty pumpkin we picked from the pumpkin patch
• A second splash in the hot tub with Bubby
• Taking Bubby over to Aunt B's to visit her kitties
• Eating the two packages of Wholly Guacamole I bought specifically for Megan then discovered at the back of the refrigerator soon after she'd left
• A treasure hunt for PawDad and Bubby using PawDad's metal detector
• Baking peanut butter cookies with Bubby
• Collecting leaves from the back yard for Bubby to take back to the desert, where the cactus and palm trees don't change in the fall
• Relaxing in the hammock with Bubby
• Assisting Megan on the sewing project she hoped to complete while here
• Printing photos of our week o' fun to place in a mini photo album for Bubby to take home with him
There's not much I can do about most of what's on the list above. Some simply won't happen, and some will be added to the agenda for when Megan and the boys—with Preston—return at Christmastime.
I will, though, eat all the guacamole myself. I also will pick some red and yellow leaves from the trees in my back yard. Then I'll place the leaves, along with printed photos of the visit, in a mini keepsake album that I'll mail to Bubby.
As soon as I get around to it a Round Tuit.
Today's question:
What would you surely accomplish, if only you had a Round Tuit?