The search is on

Time again for a rundown of some of the searches that have led folks to Grandma's Briefs in hopes of finding what their hearts — or dazed and confused minds — desire.

According to my nifty stats application, queries from the past 30 days include:

"Why am I annoyed with my grandson's step grandmother"

"How to make stripey jelly"

"Grandma's can worry"

"am old enough to do what I want"

"Grandma's love shouldn't"

"harelike" — Huh?

"grandmas interfering with parenting"

"grandma knows better"

"what do grandmas do"

"what are things your grandparents should never do?"

And of course, a few requisite HGTV'd queries as this one post still draws 'em in, such as "do we need to pay for HGTV'd truck works," "hgtvd when do they notify you," and " not to do."

Stripey jelly, hares, and HGTV'd notwithstanding, sounds like there are some grandmas behaving badly out there, causing their flummoxed kids to search for answers online.

Too bad the stats on queries don't tell me where those searching went from here, as many of their questions likely weren't answered by Grandma's Briefs. I wonder not because I'm an overly kind and concerned grandma hoping the searchers got what they needed, but because then I'd know exactly where to go myself for answers to a few of my own related questions plaguing me. Those related to the "grandma's can worry" query, most of all.

That and how to make stripey jelly, too, of course.

Photo: stock.xchng

Today's question:

What question plagues you today?