Mail from Grandma, part 2
/I thought I was pretty clever with my mailbox for Bubby. (Gah! That reminded me I need to get one made up for Mac now!) Because we're a long distance from one another, I mail Bubby things, Megan puts them in his nifty mailbox from Gramma, and we nourish the relationship via USPS and a sticker-smacked mailbox with a little red flag.
This week's Grilled Grandma, Kaye, does me one better, though. Not because she has an even snazzier sticker-smacked box for her grandchildren, but because she just plain has a better idea.
Kaye isn't a long-distance grandma, yet she still mails her grandchildren letters on a regular basis. Here's a smidgen of how she tells it in her grilling:
Last year I read a book called Curly Grandma s Letters . It s a novel concept about preserving your history by writing letters to your grandchildren. I ve been writing to them for a year now. Even though they see me all the time this has been fun for them. First they get a letter in the mailbox and second they think my letters are funny.
Kaye has more to say on the topic and you can read about in Grilled Grandma: Kaye. She says a lot about other things, too, in her grilling, including revealing some of the cutest bloggy names I've seen yet for her grandchildren. Be sure to let Kaye know what you think of the names and everything else she shares in her grilling with a bit of comment love, if you have the time or inclination.
Happy Wednesday!
Today's question:
It's hump day and the week is half gone. For you, has this week felt like it's flying by too fast or like it's taking forever to get over?