Still haven't found what I'm looking for
/I'm looking for something and having one <cuss> of a time finding it. And it's making me crazy.
Comments from this post last week led me to an idea for a new post that I can't wait to share, one related to that one, one telling you of something I have done that you likely would never believe. To assuage your sure disbelief, I plan to include in the post proof of my claim. Proof of something awesome. Proof that comes by way of a certificate.
But, alas, I can't find that <cuss> certificate.
And it's making me certifiably crazy.
When you live in one place for a long time, you inevitably end up with things you'd forgotten about stashed away in spots you'd forgotten about. But Jim and I haven't lived in this house very long, and I've been pretty good about organizing where things go now that the nest is empty and all spaces are Jim's and mine for stashing.
Yet I still haven't found what I'm looking for. And, like I said, it's making me crazy. Especially because I've found everything related to our family history except that <cuss> certificate, unexpected finds such as:
• The hospital wristbands worn by each of my girls when they were newborns
• The baggie of tissue-wrapped teeth the Tooth Fairy removed from under pillows (all in one baggie so I don't know which teeth belong to which daughter)
• The Congratulations on Your Baby Girl card Jim's stepmom and now-deceased dad sent when Andie was born ... with the bicentennial silver dollar they included still taped to the card
• A collection of fingerpainted artwork created by my girls when they were toddlers, using homemade fingerpaints whipped up by yours truly
• Decades worth of handwritten letters from my dear grandma who recently passed away
• The "proof of account paid in full" documents showing we finally, after seven years, paid off Brianna's birth, having had no health insurance at the time
• Every paper related to the seemingly millions of dollars in PLUS loans taken out for the sake of providing our daughters considerable educations
• A manila envelope stuffed full of newspaper clippings and memorial booklets related to the explosion of the Challenger, postmarked 1986 and sent from the Rocky Mountain News
• The 1988, 1989, and 1990 calendars I was missing from my calendar stash
• Three Certificates of Award to my oldest brother from his high school that certify him in 1977 as: 1st place for senior that skips the most and gets away with it, 2nd place for senior class clown, and three-way tie for 2nd place for senior with the most leadership (Don't ask...)
• An undeveloped disposable camera from Megan's wedding, courtesy of Jim's brother
• The commencement program from when Jim's sister and mom graduated from the community college ... at the same time
• The "Beauty Culture/Manicurist" certificate awarded to me in 1991 upon completing the required number of beauty school hours to hold hands with strangers do manicures and apply artificial nails
• The undated Certificate of Appreciation my Girl Scout troop presented Jim for being the troop's Cookie Manager during cookie-sale season
And more. So much more.
But no certificate of the awesomeness I wish to share with you. Nowhere.
At least not yet.
It has now officially become my mission: I will find that certificate.
Then I will write a post about it.
And you will think it's awesome.
Once I find the <cuss> thing.
Once I stop considering and crying over all the memorable things I have found on my mission.
Today's question:
Fill in the blank: Something I unfortunately lost and never found again is ____________.