8 signs fall is nearly here
/COMING THIS FALL!1. I had to throw on a sweater over my jammies while watching TV last night.
2. The USAFA Thunderbird jets have been loudly cavorting overhead, practicing for their shows of support during Air Force Falcon football games.
3. Visions of pumpkin bread have started dancing in my head.
4. Windows throughout the house are no longer left open at night.
5. Piles of catalogs arrive in the mail each day as retailers rally for holiday dollars.
6. Fall crafts are on clearance at Hobby Lobby as, typical of craft stores, current season decor is so last month.
7. I've given up watering annuals in the yard—flowers that never grew well, many that never even flowered at all, thanks to the blistering, record-setting heat of this past summer.
8. Best of all: Megan is lonesome for home...and has planned a trip here with Bubby and Baby Mac in a few weeks because fall is her favorite time of year in Colorado.
Mine, too!
Today's question:
What signals have you experienced of fall's impending arrival?