Glimpses of Christmas

As New Year's celebrations will be here in the blink of an eye, I thought I'd seize one final opportunity to post about Christmas.

Here are glimpses of what portions of my Christmas looked like this year:

A small Sunday pre-Christmas celebration with my mom


Christmas Eve at my house, pre- and post-candlelight service


Christmas morning—also at my house—followed by Les Misérables in the afternoon


What? No grandsons in the pictures? That's right, as they celebrated in the desert with Megan and Preston, and looked cute as ever while doing it, proof of which I posted here.

Though the desert-dwelling branch of my family tree was sorely missed, all reports are that their Christmas celebrations were just as grand as mine. I hope yours were equally grand.

One final Merry Christmas to one and all!

Now on to looking forward to 2013 and all the hope and promise it brings.

Today's question:

What is your favorite thing to do in the limbo between Christmas and New Year's?