Story time: Good Day, Bad Day
/Open communication with your grandkids matters immensely and is always worth encouraging any way you can. Here is a brief story I wrote, for you to share with the little ones in your life to initiate conversations about their days.
Good Day, Bad Day
Watching the clouds, imagining shapes,
Visiting the zoo and acting like apes.
Bad day?
Good day!
Falling at school, getting scratched up and bruised,
Having mud splashed on your favorite new shoes.
Good day?
Bad day!
Being picked leader for the day in your class,
Finding a ladybug deep in the grass.
Bad day?
Good day!
Riding your bike when the tire goes flat,
Then the wind blows away your favorite hat.
Good day?
Bad day!
Presents from Grandma that came in the mail,
Watching the boat you made take off and sail.
Bad day?
Good day!
Losing a fight with your older brother,
Tearing the picture you colored for Mother.
Good day?
Bad day!
Getting a shot and feeling no pain,
Seeing a rainbow after the rain.
Bad day?
Good day!
Days can be happy and days can be sad.
Good day or bad day—which have you had?
©Lisa Carpenter/art: Microsoft images
Today's question:
Good days or bad? Which have you most recently had?