Oh, how they grow
/When I visited my grandsons last weekend, it had been only two months since I'd last seen them. We all know, though, how quickly kiddos change and grow, so in those two short months Bubby and Mac changed and grew in myriad ways.
Here are just a few:
Mac no longer sits in a high chair or needs help going up and down the (carpeted) stairs.
Bubby says things such as, "Gramma, you don't need to worry about me because I know how to use scissors now" when doing crafts and, "I'm going to build a contraption" when explaining how he plans to proceed with his play.
Mac says big words, too, at least for a 14-month-old. Words such as bubble and book, uh-oh and down, Mama and more.
Bubby no longer calls out from the bathroom, "I'm done...!" and can now wipe himself.
Mac no longer eats crayons—most of the time—and can now color with his brother.
Bubby has figured out how to do cartwheels on the trampoline.
Mac has figured out how to lie on his tummy in the bathtub—something he refused to even attempt until this past Saturday night.
Bubby has also figured out how to flatter the ladies—especially Mommy—recently delivering this perfect line after she kissed him goodnight: "Mommy, sometimes your kisses are better than snacks."
Oh, how they grow.
One thing Mac and Bubby haven't outrown, though, is loving on and posing for pictures with Gramma.
Oh, how I hope they never do.
Today's question:
In what ways have you recently noticed that your grandkids or kids have grown?