Momentary refuge
/This past summer has been one of the driest on record, in my home state as well as others.
Wednesday, though, it rained. All. Day. Long.
Come Thursday morning, my back yard was very, very happy.
Ah, such a dreamy place to be. Even Mickey and Lyla couldn't help but take turns gazing out at the beauty it beheld.
Okay, I admit it. I'm liar.
Lovely as the yard was to me, that's not at all what the dogs were enjoying. No, Mickey and Lyla were enjoying being mean little doggies, terrorizing the squirrel who's made a home in the top of that arch.
The squirrel in turn squawked and complained at the top of its lungs from the tree branch where it had managed to find refuge before a dog snagged its tail. yard. 'Twas such a peaceful place.
For a moment or two.
Today's question:
What kind of magnificence—or mess—has the recent weather created at your place?