Weekend accomplishment
/Who here believes that a weekend without accomplishment is a wasted weekend?
I do, I do!
I’m unsure why I put such pressure on myself but if I don’t accomplish even the smallest of somethings from Saturday morning through Sunday evening, I feel I’ve squandered time, talents, and opportunities to git ‘er done. Whatever ‘er might be.
I’m not talking massive achievements like remodeling the home, picketing political rallies, or successfully scaling Colorado’s peaks of any size or such. No, just something. Could be completing a book, maybe attending a performance, spending quality time with favorite folks, or tackling tasks on my never-ending to-do list.
Well, I did nothing remotely close to any of the above this past weekend. I was a slug to beat all slugs, from Saturday morning to Sunday evening. For no particular reason other than I simply felt like sluggin’.
So come Sunday evening, in an effort to convince myself — and you, since I brought you into this twisted thinking I do — that I did indeed accomplish a smidgen of something, that I did indeed not waste the weekend, I offer up this:
That, my friends, is Bacon and Parmesan Topped Pierogis. Saturday night’s dinner.
Why might that be considered an accomplishment?
Well, thing is, come Saturday I was woefully low on groceries — because I admittedly played slug during the week, too, at least as far as grocery shopping goes — and was this close to ordering take-out for dinner Saturday night. But I didn’t want to order take-out. I didn’t want to waste the money. I didn’t want to waste the calories.
Especially considering Jim and I had done exactly that for Friday night dinner.
So I scrounged through the egregiously empty kitchen and came up with the makings for the dish you see above.
With a salad on the side, to boot.
‘Twas a tasty accomplishment — especially considering the sorry state of my supplies.
Yep. That is my big accomplishment for the weekend. Sometimes ya gotta take ‘em where you find ‘em.
And what did you accomplish this past weekend? (Do I really wanna know?)