Backyard bliss 2020
/The spectrum of fall colors in Colorado can range from brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows one hopes remain on tree branches all season to crunchy, crispy, brown disappointments offering satisfaction only once raked, bagged, and gone. It all depends on when the first hard freeze arrives.
Despite most everything else about 2020 causing dismay and despondency, fall colors in Colorado this year are the best I recall in my forty-plus years in the state. Thanks to no hard freeze yet. (Knock wood!)
While many residents flock to the mountains each September and October hoping to witness the high-altitude colors before temps drop—which, admittedly, Jim and I did last weekend ourselves—I’m content observing and appreciating the show of color in my own backyard this year. A perfectly pleasing palette I certainly didn’t expect.
A few examples …
Plus, my backyard bliss increases exponentially when Benjamin stops by—which he now does weekly when Mommy has doctor appointments checking on Baby Bro’s growth.
During these tumultuous times, it’s imperative we embrace bits of bliss wherever we can find them. I’m endlessly grateful to be blessed with an abundance of such just out my back door.