Doing it!
/Jim and I are doing it. Finally. We have finally accepted the fact the home we love and have lived in for nearly 12 years is too big for us, has too many stairs, too large of a yard, too much space for two. Especially two with trouble walking about.
Which means we are doing it: We are moving to a smaller place… somewhere (TBD) in the same city. Yes, we are downsizing. Though I prefer to think of it as my most recent Silver Sneakers newsletter called it, rightsizing. Our current home is 3,600 square feet. The homes we’re considering for the change are about half that size.
Such a reduction in size requires an equally sizable reduction in stuff. So I’m selling and giving away with unexpected abandon… and surprisingly few regrets. So far I’ve made at least ten car-packed trips to Goodwill in the past few weeks, with many more to come. Our house will be listed next week; we hope to have it sold and a new one chosen and closed on sometime in June. It’s a bittersweet transition (we sometimes still can’t believe we’re doing), but we do look forward to a more relaxing residence.
All of which means I’ve been busy, to say the least. Hence my relatively scarce appearances on social media and such in recent weeks, including here. I’m sure you all understand, especially those of you who have done rightsizing of your own.
I do plan to publish posts now and again during the transition, though. Thank you for reading