Here and Now: February 26, 2015
/The second edition of my new Here and Now feature...
On my mind...
Why can I recall every single word of songs from my youth that I now hear only once a year or so yet simply CANNOT get down the lyrics of current hits I hear on the radio at least once a day? Is it age? Is it because I'm not poring over album covers memorizing the lyrics? Is it because I have too much else on my mind? Or is it because music just isn't as catchy and memorable as it used to be? Hmmm...
The Atlantic magazine. I read while eating breakfast (a habit I can't break despite no longer getting the daily newspaper). This week, I'm working my way through the most recent The Atlantic. I've learned several interesting things so far, as noted on the cover:
One tidbit in particular led me to text Jim as I ate and he worked:
The Voice. I'm realizing not only are the contestants getting better and better every season, but that Carson Daily is just as good as Barbara Walters at getting interviewees to shed tears.
Working on...
Finding new outlets for my writing. Outlets that pay. Any suggestions?
Listening to...
As I write, it's REO Speedwagon's Can't Fight This Feeling. And I'm singing along. Every word. (See "On my mind..." above.)
Looking forward to...
Jim's birthday celebration on Sunday (his birthday is Monday). Andrea, Brianna, and Patrick are joining us for dinner—Jim's chosen meal of homemade stromboli and the birthday cake I've made him for decades.
The last photo I took...
(Other than the magazine and text photos above) When I volunteered in the church food pantry last Saturday, I checked my phone at a slow point and found these options for wi-fi:
After posting that photo on social media, I learned a lot of people name their wi-fi networks FBI Surveillance Van. (I still like to think there was a covert operation taking place in the neighborhood...despite it not being all that covert if the FBI makes itself so darn visible.)
Today's question:
What's your here and now for any (or all) of the topics above?