Home Happenings: October 2022
/Looking back, October marks the most mellow month of 2022 for me. At least in terms of getting out and about. Our typically wild and crazy Callie had ACL surgery — technically CCL in dogs — near the end of September, which meant she had to lay low and go slow, rendering us pretty much homebound for most of October.
Still, there were plenty of picture-worthy moments captured.
For starters, there was Callie’s final post-surgery laser treatment:
And the spectacular “Colorful Colorado” display in my backyard.
Even Callie appreciated the autumn sun and scenery.
While Benjamin and Robert enjoyed plucking the “berries” from Gramma’s tree:
We had our first hard freeze of the season in late October. Which meant the first full rose that bloomed on the rose bush Jim and I planted for our 40th anniversary in June — a ruby-colored “Queen Bee” rose for our Ruby Anniversary — would be our last of the season. So I snapped a pic then snipped the rose in hopes it might open further in a vase indoors.
Staying close to home for Callie’s post-surgery rehab meant canceling our annual Columbus Day Weekend visit with our Arizona grandsons. Which was pretty hard on my heart. I anxiously await word from Megan on when our raincheck visit can be arranged.
Smiles I miss so much, taken during our visit last October.
Such things make me all the more grateful for the time I get with local grandkiddos. I’m fortunate to have occasional solo time with Robert while Benjamin attends preschool. Here, he and Callie watch for PawDad to get home from work:
I’m also grateful Benjamin’s fourth birthday fell on a day in which both boys were scheduled to spend the afternoon at Gramma’s. As his official birthday celebration would be a stay at Great Wolf Lodge with his immediate family, a simple snack-time celebration worked perfectly for PawDad and me — and Aunt Andie and Uncle Allen, too — to honor our favorite four-year-old.
Then, we blinked and Halloween was upon us. At preschool, Benjamin participated in his first Halloween Costume Parade, a few photos of which Brianna graciously shared with me (and I share my favorite with you):
Benjamin donned his Spidey suit again for trick or treating, and Brianna shared this shot Patrick got of the gang before they set out seeking sweets on nearby streets.
Unicorn Brianna with spooky James, Spidey Benjamin and Dino Robert.
Andrea shared a Halloween photo with me, as well. She and Allen weren’t donning costumes, though, just grins and giggles in excitement over the oodles of kids arriving at the door on their first Halloween in their new home sweet home.
Now, on to November!