Hot dogs!
/Summer arrived to Colorado Springs packing heat this past weekend. In a house with no air conditioning, we all suffered. Jim and I — and Andrea when she visited for Father's Day — were pretty good about keeping our distress under wraps... for the most part.
The dogs, though? Mickey was determined to soak up a little sunshine Sunday morning out on the deck, despite the sweltering heat.
His suffering was unmistakeable. And assuaged moments after that photo when I told the silly boy to get his butt inside and in front of a fan.
Andrea's dog, Luke, wasted no time taking advantage of the fans strategically located throughout my house, though, soon after his arrival.
If the heat keeps up like this, you'll likely soon find me lying on the floor in such a manner, too. Let's just hope it won't be because I've passed away, finally succumbing to heat stroke once and for all.
Someone get this grandma some air conditioning! (Okay, okay. I know, I know. We will never, ever be able to afford the cost of installing A/C in a home fitted with a boiler system not a furnace.)