How to be a GRAND babysitter
PawDad masters being the most GRAND babysitter ever.
Kids just want to have fun, especially when spending time with a babysitter. Parents primarily want their kids to be safe. And therein lies the challenge for grandparents who have secured the babysitting gig: finding the perfect balance between delighting grandchildren while pleasing their parents.
Master the challenge—and be the best babysitter ever—by considering the following tips from seasoned babysitting grandmas.
1. Pack your bag of tricks
Every grandparent needs a Grandma (or Grandpa) Bag, a tote filled with goodies that comes out at special times for play, creativity, and entertainment. For long-distance grandparents like myself, that means when I’m visiting the kiddos. (It's the favored piece of luggage each of my grandsons can't wait to open.) For local parents, that may be when on regular babysitting duty.
Grandma or Grandpa Bags include...
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