Matchy matchy!
/Jim and I went on a bike ride yesterday afternoon. This is how it started off:

Despite the matchy matchy apparel, we were delighted to get on our bikes and ride — and use our new bike rack (for the car) for the first time. The bike rack we bought for our anniversary last year. The bike rack which sat unopened for an entire year because Jim was hospitalized mere days after that anniversary, and we hadn't hopped on bikes since.
Yesterday the bike rack was finally opened and put to use. It worked perfectly for hauling our bikes to our favorite in-town trail, one we enjoyed riding with our three girls years and years ago.
It was worth the yearlong wait, and our matching tops simply made our return to bike riding more memorable.
(Next time Jim copies my outfit, though, he will change before we head out. Or it just might be another year before we hit the trail together.)