Saturday movie brief: Balm for bleak times
When the day-to-day of life turns not so rosy, one of my favorite escapes is through films. Though not an all-out remedy for the blues or bleakness of any sort, personal or otherwise, movies certainly provide relief. For a little while, at least.
Yesterday being the inauguration of our 45th president, I'm in the mood for a wee bit of relief. So I turn to the movies.
With so many choices, though, the challenge when turning to this particular mood booster is choosing which to watch.
The options can overwhelm. And amaze. And often entertain on their own.
Thankfully just a well-made movie montage can sometimes — such as this time — do the trick.
And provide cinematherapy selections to keep in mind for the next time such a need for movie magic might arise.
Today's question:
What movie(s) do you rely on to raise your mood when down in the dumps?