The Saturday Post
/I think it's only fair to disclose that although Bubby is my favorite granchild, he's not my only one. To be honest, I have several.
And since I write so much about Bubby, I suppose it's only right to dedicate at least one post to introducing you to all the others.
Here goes:
This is Brianna's dog Hunter, my live-in granddoggy:
And this is Kamelia, Andrea's kitty (who's now about a year older than she was in this photo):
Last but not least, there's Roxy, aka Bubby's best buddy:
But since I've now introduced you to all my grandkiddos, I certainly can't leave out all my children -- those in addition to my grown gals, Brianna, Megan and Andrea.
Of course, you've already met Mickey:
But you've not yet met my all-time favorite (feline) gals:
Abigail (Abby):
And Isabel:
Yep, my house -- and heart -- are full. (Of course, additional HUMAN grandchildren are always more than welcome!)