How to be a Dad!
/How to be a Dad!
I just love this quote from Ryan Reynolds. Especially as it so perfectly fits the scary, stressful hours and days after Benjamin’s birth.
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for grandmothers and others
Grandma's Briefs is for grandmothers and others. Bits on the good, bad, humorous and heartwarming of being a baby boomer, grandparent, parent to adult children, wife and writer. Features include lifestyle articles, reviews, recipes, grandma profiles, and more.
I just love this quote from Ryan Reynolds. Especially as it so perfectly fits the scary, stressful hours and days after Benjamin’s birth.
Read MoreRoad movies wherein a couple of characters hop in a car (or plane or train or other automobile) and go through life-changing experiences together can be a fun journey for movie lovers who join them for the ride. Road films of late, though, often have a distasteful potty humor bent to them, which — call me prude, if you must — I don't consider much fun.
Yet road movies need not resort to toilet talk and trickery if the characters on the road to self-discovery are well-written, multidimensional folks doing their best to keep their dirty laundry sealed up in the heavy baggage they lug about. And if those characters have a reasonable — not raunchy — sense of humor regarding the secrets they're keeping from themselves as well as their travel buddies, all the better.
The characters in MISSISSIPPI GRIND are all that and more. The independent film stars Ryan Reynolds and Ben Mendelsohn as...
Grandma's Briefs is for grandmothers and others. Bits on life's second act and the empty nest: the good, bad, humorous and heartwarming of being a baby boomer, grandparent, parent to adult children, wife and writer. Features include lifestyle articles, movie reviews, recipes, product reviews, auto test drives, grandma profiles, and more.
Thank you for visiting Grandma's Briefs, where I share my snippets, er, briefs on the good, bad, humorous, and heartwarming of being a grandmother, baby boomer, parent to adult children, wife, and writer. Learn more about me here. And email me any time at
Jim (aka PawDad) and Lisa (me)
Brianna (oldest daughter) and hubby Patrick with Benjamin, Robert, and James
Megan (middle daughter) with hubby Preston and Declan, Camden, and Brayden
Andrea (youngest daughter) with me at a recent concert
Click here for The First-Time Grandmother’s Journal on
click here for a love journal: 100 things i love about grandma on
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