Amaze your grandkids this Thanksgiving, plus the GRAND Social link party

It's Thanksgiving week. And though our plates are overflowing with things to do, what grandma or grandpa worth their whiskers isn't interested in adding more knowledge to their noggin? Especially when it's Thanksgiving-related tidbits we can use to dazzle our little darlings while we're together over the holiday.

So before you participate in this week's GRAND Social link party, add the following 5 Tips for a Better Thanksgiving through Chemistry to your arsenal for amazing your grandkids — and big kids, too — this Thanksgiving (it's more interesting than it sounds, I promise):

When it comes to Thanksgiving, it's best to expand our brains rather than our bellies, I always say. (Actually, I've never said that before in my life. It sounded good, though, don't ya think?)

Enough turkey talk. Time for the main course:

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