Family fibber
/My phone rang earlier than usual yesterday morning. Caller ID showed it was Megan.
"Hey there," I answered, a strong What's up? in my tone.
"Hi Gramma," was the response.
"Bubby? Is this Bubby?" I asked. "Did you go trick-or-treating last night?"
"Yeah," he replied rather unenthusiastically. "I called to tell you something, Gramma."
I sat back in my chair, listening closely for his tale of trick-or-treating to come.
"I called to <mumble, mumble, indecipherable mumble> breakfast in bed," my grandson warbled.
"What, Bubby? I couldn't hear you. Say that again."
"I didn't have breakfast in bed, Gramma. I'm sorry I lied to you."
Seems the conversation on which yesterday's post was based was all a bunch of baloney, for Bubby had come clean (surely at Mommy's urging): He never had breakfast in bed on his birthday and made up the story he'd told Gramma.
"I'm sorry, Gramma," he offered again.
"Okay, Bubby," I said. "You should never tell stories like that to Gramma."
I wasn't really sure how to respond. Megan made it clear in the past that I'm never to say That's okay when Bubby apologizes for something that is not okay. Simply forgive and move on, is her suggested response—which I'm supposed to follow, as she's the mom in charge.
After a fumbling forgiveness from Gramma, Bubby cut the conversation short with a quick I love you then put Mommy Megan on the phone.
"Sorry, Mom. It never happened," Megan said. "As I read your post, I was thinking What in the world? Then I realized Bubby had lied to you. He did choose Reese's cereal for breakfast—last year for his three-year-old birthday—but not this year. And he never had breakfast in bed."
So it seems we have a little fibber in the family.
Megan and I agreed that such things are pretty common with a four-year-old and no big deal, and that in Bubby's imagination such a marvelous thing did indeed happen, so he was happy to share the exciting (albeit untrue) event with Gramma.
Kind of an eye-opener for Gramma, I must admit. But, lesson learned.
Bubby learned lying to Gramma about the simplest of things isn't a good idea.
Gramma learned writing a post about a conversation with Bubby without first confirming the truth of the tale with Mommy isn't a good idea either.
Today's question:
What's your experience with children telling untrue tales?