12 current cravings
/Twelve things I crave in my life, right here, right now:
• A peaceful, easy feeling.
• A novel I can't tear myself away from...and can't fall asleep to.
• Sweater weather.
• One acceptance to outweigh the countless rejections. (Regarding publication of my writings, not dangerous liaisons.)
• A fresh, completely absorbing movie with a surprising—and satisfying—ending.
• A pastrami and Swiss on dark rye. With lots of mustard and a cold-pack pickle on the side.
• New music that doesn't make me cringe and turn it off.
• New music much like the old music but not the old music because it's not new.
• Another perfect mango. Or two. Or ten.
• A long, comfortable, meaningful hug.
• A short, slightly less comfortable hug—as sqeeeeezes around the neck sometimes are—from my three-year-old grandson. Always meaningful. Always cherished.
• Being leaned into so heavily by my mere-months-old grandson that I might (and have) mistake the relaxed body weight as that of a sleeping baby...only to realize he's not sleeping and it's actually just his perfectly comfortable, perfectly meaningful method of hugging Gramma.
Today's question:
What are you craving in your life, right here, right now?