Dance and get happy

abstract dancers

Yay for Friday!

It's been a challenging week for a variety of reasons, so having made it through to the end warrants a happy dance for one and all. For happy dance inspiration, following are two of the happiest dances I've seen in a while.

First up, does anyone do...

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The Saturday Post: Happy birthday edition

Julia Child's birthday was this past Wednesday. She would have been 100 years old. In honor of her birthday, PBS cooked up this:

Today is the birthday of my very own Julia Child, the Julia Child of our family: Brianna. She turns 30 years old today! I'm nowhere's near as talented as PBS in cooking up birthday fun, but I'm hoping Brianna's birthday celebration will end up being just as tasty and fun as the mashup above. At least to Brianna.

Happy birthday to Brianna!

And to Julia Child.

And happy Saturday to the rest of ya!


The Saturday Post: Movie mash-up double feature edition

I love a good movie-clip mash up, and this week I was treated to two of the best I've seen in quite some time.

The first came to me by way of VSL and is movie clips made into song—a song we all know and (maybe) love...and will be humming the rest of the day.

(Hello from ant1mat3rie on Vimeo.)

The second was sent to me by my friend Kate, who kindly posted it on my Facebook wall. It's a scary one and, as noted with her original post, should be watched with the lights ON. (If you don't like scary movies, scroll back up and watch "Hello" again instead. Seriously.)

Both very well done indeed!

Enjoy your Saturday...and your "Hello" earworm!

The Saturday Post: Cracked-up-carols edition

Enjoy these mashups of a different sort in which musica intima vocal chamber ensemble combines religious Christmas songs with secular ones.

Better yet, I dare you to try and sing along.

Today's question:

Of all holiday tunes, which one do you most enjoy singing (not listening to)?