/Nothing about being a grandma today, just pictures of the cute little grandma car Brianna bought yesterday!
Brianna asked me to go with her to buy a car yesterday because I'm "meaner," which comes in handy when dealing with salesmen.
After several exercises in frustration with dealerships in the auto park -- one where I had to tell the salesman at one of the city's "reputable" dealerships, "We're reluctant to buy a vehicle that we don't even know the price of" as he continuously ignored my question of "So what's the sales price?" -- we went to CarMax. Where they post the prices on the car. Where there truly is no haggling. Where they gave Brianna $750 for her trade-in truck that we thought we'd be lucky to get $250 for.
Hands down, CarMax provided the best car-buying experience I've had in the past 30 years. Yeah, it's not a local dealership ("buy local, buy local") but it keeps local folks employed, and that's good enough for me.
Congratulations, Brianna. Enjoy your little PT Cruiser!