Low-tech genius
/I'm continually thankful for all the gadgetry that makes long-distance grandparenting easier to swallow. The high-tech blessings of digital cameras and e-mail allow Megan to regularly share with me the low-tech genius of our Bubby.
Megan's latest e-mail:
Hi Mom, I'm procrastinating my workout right now. But I wanted to show you the latest drawing Bubby did. It is so obvious how strong his hand muscles are getting. I have students right now who can't press down this hard when they use markers or crayons. I was so proud of him! We did this one yesterday afternoon. Talk to you later, love you!
And the attached masterpiece:
Ten years or so ago, parents had to snail mail artwork to grandparents. I consider myself truly blessed -- and thankful I don't have to move to the dreadful desert in order to witness Bubby's daily activities!