Top smiles of 2010
/The end of a year begs for lists, so despite sharing a list with you yesterday, I'm here with another today. This time it's ...
My top 9 smile-inducers of 2010
Bubby. Always. In all ways!
Jim's support, with comments such as, "You really shouldn't try to get a job. Keep writing. I have a feeling things are going to take off for you this year."
Brianna moving into her own first home ... which was the first home Jim and I owned ... which was a weensy bit weird ... yet wonderful.
Signing with an agent. A real NYC agent. (Stay tuned for the miles o' smiles when she gets my work accepted for publication!)
My splendiferous end-of-summer adventure with Bubby.
Andrea getting an awesome new position that makes the most of her people skills and winning ways.
Megan and Preston announcing that baby No. 2 -- grandson No. 2! -- is on his way. Hip-hip-hooray!
Celebrating Thanksgiving with my entire immediate family for the first time in several years.
Grandma's Briefs readers. Grandma's Briefs Facebook friends. Grandma's Briefs Twitter followers. That's you ... and you ... and YOU!
I can't wait to see what calls forth all the sure-to-come smiles in 2011. Whatever they may be, I look forward to sharing them with you.
Happy New Year! Best wishes for peace, prosperity, love -- and lots of smiles -- for all in 2011!
Today's question:
What brought you smiles in 2010?