Shop early for gifts—plus 10 more things I didn't do in 2011
/Last December I swore I'd shop early for Christmas 2011, that I'd accumulate holiday gifts throughout the year so as to not have to rush around like a madwoman come December.
I didn't do that.
The metamorphosis into madwoman shall soon commence.
That's not the only thing I swore I'd do in 2011 that remains yet undone. Here are but a few:
• Order prints of the hundreds (thousands, maybe) of digital photos I'm behind on printing. "Behind" meaning the need goes back 8 years or so.
• Put a new Grandma's Briefs header into place, with an updated photo of granny panties on the line.
• Lose 20 pounds.
• Start riding my bike again (which would help with those 20 pounds).
• Paint the laundry room.
• Take up the hem on several of my favorite dresses to a more fashionable length. Yes, there's still time, but they're summer dresses...and will now sit on my sewing table until least.
• Learn Photoshop.
• Figure out how to be an active participant in Twitter parties without feeling like my head might explode. Or like a wallflower no one notices is in the room.
• Transfer a huge chunk of our CD collection to an iPod. (No way we'll manage to get all our music digitized...unless we set up a separate server for it. And no, Kate, we won't be following your lead.)
• Get caught up on reading my continually growing stack of magazines. Or just throw them all into the recycle bin and start fresh.
There are many more tasks, projects, and chores left undone, unfortunately. With the remainder of 2011 pretty much dedicated to holiday fun and frivolity, I don't see any of the above getting done at all before the clock strikes midnight on December 31.
Que sera, sera. There's always next year.
photo: stock.xchng
Today's question:
What did you intend to accomplish in 2011 but have now added to your to-do list for 2012?