15 things you may not know about today's grandparents
• The majority of today’s grandparents—53% of grandmothers and 54% of grandfathers—are Baby Boomers under age 65.
• The average age of becoming a grandparent in the United States is 48.
• There were an estimated 65 million grandmothers and grandfathers in 2010. By 2020, they are projected to reach 80 million, at which time they will be nearly one-in-three adults.
• The number of grandparents is growing at twice the overall population growth rate.
• A majority of those with grandchildren are women, in part because on average women age 45+ live approximately seven years longer than men. At the time the 2010 Census was conducted, there were about 124 grandmothers for every 100 grandfathers.
• Today’s grandparents are more likely to be college graduates (37%) and fully employed than at any time in the past.
• The grandparent-age share of the nation's income is 60%.
• The mean annual income of grandparent-age households was $68,500—about $500 above the mean income for all U.S. households. Among all grandparent-age households, about one-in-four had an annual income of $90,000 or more.
• They spend$52 billion a year on their grandkids.
• There are an estimated 4.5 million grandparentheaded households that include one or more of their grandchildren. That means approximately one in every nine (11%) grandparent households includes at least one grandchild.
• Three-quarters of grandparents are online. Forty-five percent are on social networks, and six percent have started a blog.
• 70 percent of grandparents see their grandchildren at least once a week.
• Forty-three percent exercise or play sports.
• Thirty-eight percent report having sex at least twice a week.
• Ten percent have a tattoo.
Sources: US Census Bureau, MetLife Mature Market Institute, Grandparents.com
Today's question:
What on the list surprises you...and what would you like to add?
This post also published as a guest post on Family Home and Life.