Sweet searches (or, A sure sign perimenopause has hit)
/As some of you know, I've had a little trouble with the Grandma's Briefs site this past week, related to commenting. It's all fixed now (as long as you clear your browser cache and are using IE 9 if you use Internet Explorer).
In trying to suss all that out, I ventured into a few spots in the analytics area of my site that I haven't been in a while. And it nearly made me cry. Not, I assure you, because the numbers are low or the problems are high, or anything like that. (Believe it or not, I'm not that shallow. Most of the time.)
What nearly brought me to tears was looking at the search queries. I've written posts in the past about the wacky search terms that lead folks to Grandma's Briefs, but this time I didn't find the queries all that wacky. I found them to be sweet, poignant.
Of course, wackiness wasn't completely absent as the query list included "justy grandmas" (?) and "land before time baby dinosaur hatching in" (??). But for the most part, the search terms included primarily variations of these that touched my heart:
• how to be the best newborn grandma
• heart grows with the love of a child
• my granddaughter makes me laugh out loud
• how to give away grandmas stuff
• letters to grandson
• letter to my 18 year old grandson
• letter to grandson going off to college
• poems for grandmas who passed away
• farewell, grandma
• what grandmas do best
• how hard it is to be a far away grandma
Such queries made me glad I could provide a soft landing spot even if not the exact answers folks were looking for.
Mostly, though, such terms made me deeply grateful that today—this afternoon!—this far away grandma finally gets to hug and hold close her sweet grandsons.
Today's question:
If you were guaranteed a true, accurate answer, what question or search (realistic or not) would you most like to find results for today?