Here and now: June 25, 2015
/This and that from my week...
On my mind...
This quote, as Jim and I continue inching our way out of the financial black hole that swallowed us up in 2008 then gulped us in a bit deeper in 2009.
Most recently, these. For upcoming Brief Book Reviews.
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, the seven-part miniseries on BBC America. I started the book a few years ago but couldn't get into it and stopped reading. The television series makes me want to pick up the book again... or, at the very least (and more likely), watch all five of the remaining episodes Jim and I have yet to see.
Working on...
Trying to not figure out what the girls and Jim are getting me for my upcoming birthday. I like to be surprised—but I too easily guess what gifts I might receive, based only on facial expressions and innocent comments.
Looking forward to...
Brunch today with my blogging grandma buddy, Caryn Pazant of The Midlife Guru. I feel like I've known her forever—she was one of my first Grilled Grandmas—yet we've only Skyped, never met in person. Today we meet in person, as she makes time for me in her whirlwind visit to Colorado for a conference in Denver. A selfie or two together to come, no doubt!
The last photo I took...
Other than the books above, this was the last one on my phone: luscious and large strawberries I devoured for breakfast yesterday. (No, I don't normally share food shots on social networks, but this I couldn't resist.)
Today's question:
What's up—or down—in your here and now?